Part 33: Mission 16 (America Route) - Alive - Part 2

: Its

: Brother!


: Youre in there, arent you?! Please, you need to open your eyes!

: Come on, Nick! Get yourself back to normal already!


: Not even a twitch
Tsk, we might really need to beat them up!

: What?! But theyre people!

: Everyone, listen up! We believe those helmets are how the Skrugg are controlling them!

: Meaning they might come back to their senses if we bust those?!

: O-Okay! Ill find a way to make it happen!

: Please, Joey

: Hold on, Lina! I promise you
Ill get Will back to normal!
No need to worry about reducing them to a specific HP threshold or anything just beat both Nick and Will into submission and carry on.
SRW UX - Deus Machina
SRW UX - Roulette

: Nick, its me! Pull yourself together!

: Rgh, hrrmm

: Kch
We just need to break his helmet! Come on, Heroman!
Take that!
Nick gives us a HEYBO (+10 Accuracy and Ranged, +5 Evasion).

: Waargh!

: Do you hear us, Nick?! Snap out of it!

: Urk

: Right, I remember
Youre Joey. And Im

: Oh, thank god youre okay, Nick. Now come with us, quick!

: What are you on about, Joey? Im strong now! Im finally my own man!

: ?! Nick

: All my life, Ive been sucking up to others. Not a day went by that I wasnt scared, that I didnt worry about what folks thought of me

: But now I dont have to worry about any of that crap ever again! How come you dont get that?!


: Ive power now! Power! POWER! And with it, I can do anything! Same as you, right?!

: No! I

: Youre making a mistake, Nick! Please, dont do this!

: Shut up! Dont tell me what to do! Im done being a human
Im now a Skrugg!

: Nick, why
While setting up for Will, we trashed the surviving Skrugg mooks.
SRW UX - Roulette

: Go back to being you, Will! Linas here too!


: Its not working
Breaking that helmet really is the only way!
Will gives us Linas Pom-poms (as in, the Cheerleader things Melee and Evasion +10, Accuracy +5).

: Gaaaah! K-Kill
the earthlings!

: Huh?! We got rid of his helmet! Whys he still like that?!
Joey moves closer.*

: Will, please, pull yourself together! You dont wanna make Lina sad, do you?!

: Rrrgh
! Gwaaaaaaaaargh!



: Brother, please,
stop! Come back to me! Im begging you!

: Uugh

: ?! Brother?!

: I
I remember
Gogorr changed me

: Youre you again, Will?!

: Haah, haah
Im so sorry you had to go through that, Lina. Im free now

: Hmph, so the mind-control really wasnt flawless.

: Gogorr! How
dare you do this to me
Will turns friendly!*

: That Skrugg
hes their leader?!

: Hmhmhm
I believe introductions are in order. My name is Gogorr, and I am the ruler of this planet.

: The what now

: Why are you doing this?! A civilization as scientifically advanced as yours could have easily approached us in a different way!

: I never wanted anything like this to happen when I contacted you!

: Idiocy
Tell me, doesnt your kind simply kill your cattle? What makes you think you can call us into question, then?


: Are you saying were cattle to you?!

: Easy, Psy. It seems talking with him wont get us anywhere.

: Hmhmhm, thats right! We, the Skrugg, do not negotiate! You will either surrender or die!

: How quaint. Then allow me to retort!

: Threats will avail you not against me! I will cut down all who get in my way!

: Gogorr, Ill make you pay even if it kills me!

: We cant lose this one
! We
wont let him turn Earth upside-down!

: Come on, Heroman!

: Hmm!
Just need to take out Gogorr, and losing Will is also a game over.

Pilot Skills:
Prevail L4
Support Attack L2
All Attack
Mech Features:
30% HP and EN Regen
Gogorrs voice actor: Unsho Ishizuka (other roles: Guld in Macross Plus, Fudou in Aquarion, Mr. Satan in Dragon Ball, and a whole lot more).
Gogorr is exactly what youd expect from the Skrugg boss: big stats all over, really dodgy and accurate thanks to pairing S rank on land with an S size. Weve fought way stronger bosses, though, and his size means hell take extra damage from many of our guys. 30% HP regen is plenty, so make sure you down him in one round.
SRW UX - Shangri-La

: Why are you so hell-bent on attacking us?! Get off our world and leave us alone!

: Hmph, cattle such as you thinks he can talk to us as equals? Dont make me laugh!

: Youre wasting your breath with him, Kazuki! They may be capable of speaking to us, but theyre no different from the Festum.

: Tch
SRW UX - Future-Bound Fighting Spirit

: Well never stop fighting against you! Why dont you cut your losses and forget about Earth?!

: Youre in no position to parley with us! The only way this battle will end is with your death!

: Then you leave me no choice! I fight to protect human lives
and, so, I wont think twice before taking you out!
SRW UX - Shadows that Rend Darkness

: Im impressed that youve managed to oppose us for as long as you have
but cattle that does not obey will simply be put down!

: Lets see you try! Ill make you painfully aware of all the power life gives us!
I needed someone to showcase Gogorrs kung-fu, so in comes Luna.
SRW UX - Roulette

: Gogorr

: Hmph, weve no more need for your data, Experiment #01. You are a defect and Ill scrap you myself.

: Dont call me Experiment! My name
is Will Davis!
SRW UX - My Fate

: Hrgh
! Whats this dark, evil aura that surrounds him

: Hmm, a new kind of living weapon
? Hahaha, how curious! I believe Ill take you as a sample!

: No, you wont - not if the Nanajin and I have anything to say about it!
SRW UX - Tales of Mirisha ~ The Brave Legend

: Youre quite the interesting-looking being. Yes, youll make for a valuable sample to dissect!

: Ye invader bereft of ideals
The price for your insolence shall be your miserable life!

: Guh
Th-This cannot be!

: Thats it for your agenda, Gogorr!

: Rrgh
You impudent beasts!

: What?! He

: He went Hyper?!

: I never thought Id get overwhelmed on this backwater planet!

: But I wont let it end like this! If Im dying, Im taking you with me to the Underworld!

: He looks even more monstrous now

: Argh, this stupid cockroach! The guys as tough to kill as his smaller cousins!

: Maybe, but hes on his last legs! Troops, focus fire on Gogorr and wrap this battle up!

: Roger!
Hyper Gogorrs gained a boost to everything, but his tricks are still the same. Stand by for a turn and then do one last push.

: Im not about to let the princess city get nuked into oblivion!

: What energy is this
?! How are this planets weapons so abnormal?!

: Tis the power of magic that you feel
A divine power given form to crush evil like yours! Behold!
New kung-fu!
SRW UX - Dunbine Flies
SRW UX - Dunbine Flies

: More and more flies buzzing overhead
but thatll change nothing!

: You're just an evil soul that lives for itself! Take all your hatred and go straight to Hell, where you belong!

: Yeah! Off you go!
SRW UX - Roulette

: Watch it, Joey! This guys a whole different ball-game from the other stuff we fought!

: I know! But I wont let our city go up in flames because of him!

: The gall
! Ill show you what happens when puny humans dare stand up to us!
SRW UX - Envoy from Jupiter

: You wont even try reaching an understanding with us?! Is destruction all that you care about?!

: Would you try to reach an understanding with the cattle you consume and the vermin you kill, in that case?

: It was your invasion that pushed our world into growing as twisted as it is now
! Begone from this planet!
Gogorr gives us Joeys Coffee (Defense and Melee +10, Evasion +5)

: Ghgrh
This... can't be! You... beasts

: H-Hes still going

: Ill handle this!

: Joey!

: Ive always wanted to be like my dad
to keep those I love safe...

: But I was too weak to do anything
! And thats when I found you, Heroman!


: Youre the one whos been keeping everyone safe youre my hero. But

: Ive realized that I need to get strong myself! Just like Kurou and our friends with the UX!

: Joey

: And thats why

: Thats why the two of us will now fight together, Heroman!
Energy chaaarge!*

: Hmmmm!

: Go, Joey! I know you can pull it off!

: Take your stalwart heart and convert it into strength
! Then pour it all into your fists!

: Yeah, kick his ass, Joey!

: Heromaaaan

: Haah, haah
W-We did it!

: Excelsior! What magnificent teamwork, Joey! The way you fought, complementing one another

: I might just say thats how you two were always meant to work

: Joey
That meek boys grown a whole lot.

: Yeah, hes a real powerhouse now!

: That said, that pure heart that wished only to protect others hasnt changed a bit!

: It may be that that strength lay within him all along. The average men oft change in ways both good and bad when they gain great power

: (Just as my old masters once did

: Wait! Wheres my brother?! Hes gone!

: Huh?! But
But he was here just a minute ago!

: You think he ran off?!

: (Sorry, Lina
but I cant stay with you anymore. Not when Im like this

: Brother! BROTHER!!

: (Take care, Lina

: Will

: We can look for him and Nick in a bit! Remember, we still have work to do!

: Right, the Balls headed towards the White House havent stopped yet!

: The EM Waves controlling them are still being broadcast from the Skrugg mothership! You need to deactivate it as quick as humanly possible!

: Weve only got a few minutes before the nukesll be ready for launch!

: This is our one and only chance
! Ms. Sumeragi, take me to the UFO!

: You got it. Everythings in your hands, Prof. Denton!
Location: Washington D.C.

: Please, Madam President, allow me to handle everything.

: Go on, Dr. Minami. And good luck.

: (Here we go
Im about to be crowned as the savior of this world. So many times youve snubbed me, Dr. West
but the time has finally come for me to one-up you! Were entering the Age of Minami now!)

: Doctor, its time. (

: Okay, how about we get started? Laaaadiiiies and gentlemen! ITS SHOOWTIIIIIME!

: Observe now as the genius Dr. Minami executes his brilliant plan and brings the Balls to heel
! Heeere weee

: The Balls have stopped.

: Eh

: Err
yeah, theyre not moving anymore. (

But the Doctor hasnt done anything yet

: (The UX have succeeded

: Aah, what a relief! Seems we all worried over nothing! Hahahah

: And, even better, we didnt need to rely on any crazy mystery weapon!

: (Gch, rrgh
Gyaark! S-Someone
Over by Center City, Keishas on TV and reporting how (surprise) the Union army finally routed the Skrugg; their UFO/HQ has been blown up and not a trace of it remains. Isabelle praises Keishas fine work, and shes honored to receive such accolade from her. That said, both women smell fish in the official announcement that it was the Union that took out the Skrugg.
Its clear that the MAN is hiding something, but theyve no idea what. Sakuya asks what theyll do about this, as snooping into the governments business could be hazardous to ones health if they make the wrong move.
Maybe, but Keishas willing to face the danger she cant stand the thought of the truth being twisted.
A much more chill-looking Axel Hughes wholly agrees with her, and introduces himself as being from the NIA. The journalists know well about the agency and Sakuya wonders what the big-bad agent wants to them that hed reveal himself like this.
See, hes currently conducting an investigation on the less-than-savory elements within the Federation army and government, and hed like to ask for their assistance in revealing the truth to the world.
Cut to the California base, we find Jin fuming that the Union accepted the UXs help to deal with the Skrugg. Novel asks if thats such a bad thing the aliens WERE beaten, no? But thats not the point here! These are Arnies killers the Unions putting up with! And if Jin were just stronger, he wouldve taken out those aliens himself!
Well, Novel says hes about to become stronger right now: the all-purpose Riot Cs have just been rolled out, which means his strike team is ready to get to work. But, since hes the leader, shes taken measures for him to keep with the Riot A and its stronger engine.
The new Riot C
I wish he was here to see it Jin sighs. Arnie
the two of us, together, got these wings the Riots to unfold and take flight. And I promise Ill use them to put down your killers!
Back to the Hadou manor, Psys mighty irked that the Union took all the credit for our work including Denton shutting down the Balls. Arnie isnt bothered by it, though, considering most of the world doesnt even know the UX exist in the first place.
In truth, Joeys still waiting for the other shoe to drop face him heading out to work with said UX now. When Lina asks, he says hes sure about it: he decided to go with them in a bid to try and help the world in any way he and Heroman can manage. Moreover, he figured thatd be the best way for him to look for Will.
Linas very grateful and asks him to stay safe, but, of course, hell have Kurou around too (thats only making them worry more, Psy quips). As for Denton, he and the others will head back to help Center City rebuild, so he wants Joey to work hard theyll all be waiting for him to return. And, with that, Joeys off.
Ruris actually allowed Kurou and the Demonbane to accompany the UX as well, but he tells her not to worry. If theres ever any problem with her or the town, hell come running as hes always done. Als amused that hes grown so that he can make that speech with a straight face.
As for Shou and Marvel, theyll be tagging along as well. Way Shou sees it, theyve no way of getting back to their world and, in that case, he and Marvel would much rather fight alongside a fellow Holy Warrior. Aesap stammers, saying hes nowhere near the same level as the two of them. Inwardly, though, Lux disagrees: he is, without a doubt, a true Holy Warrior and shes certain hell be able to control the Wings of Rean.


: May I have a word, my lord?

: Do you need something, Sima Yi?

: Not at all, but
I see that the Yùxǐ did not show itself during the previous battle

: Hah, I suppose I should not have expected to fool your eyes.

: You set off towards what would have been certain death in a bid to replicate the events at the Battle of Guandu, correct?

: However, this time, the Yùxǐ did not appear

: Tell me, Sima Yi, have you heard the tale of the Wings of Rean?

: I have, aye. It is said that the soul of a Holy Warrior causes them to manifest themselves, bestowing the power of the very heavens.

: That is correct. Quite similar to our Celestial Armors, are they not

: Then, do you take the fact that it was those Holy Warriors that appeared in the last battle, and not the Yùxǐ, to mean

: Aye. That what the heavens granted us today was not power, but, rather, people

: Not power, but people

: And I believe that, when the time is right, the day will come where all this ties together...

: (Our groups encounter happened like clockwork
as though drawn to one another by some force. If this is all due to the will of the heavens, then can we only fall before the tides of fate
And ALVIS finds some FREE REAL ESTATE for a third time.
And Shinn had words for Will:

: You need to get your head into gear right now! Linas here for you! Shes your only sister, right?!


: Hrm, why is this happening to them?! No one else should know the pain of losing their family